How to Give by Text
This is the phone number you will text to: 847-696-8942
This number is specific to Elgin Vineyard, and all donations texted to this number are directed to the church bank account. It would be a good idea to save the number in your phone contacts as Text2Give.
Say you want to give $25 to the General Fund. Type Give or Give 25 or even just 25. Any of those will work. If you type Give, you'll get a response asking how much you want to give.
The first time you use text giving, you'll be asked to click a link to a page where you can enter your bank account information. There is a Credit/Debit option and an ACH Bank Transfer option; please use ACH if you want more of your donation to go to the church and less to processing fees.
After the first time, you won't have to enter that information anymore. You'll just type 25, and your gift will be given just that quick! If you don't say which fund you want it to go to, it defaults to the General Fund.
But let's say you want your gift to go to the Building Fund account. The code is building, so you type 25 building and you're done (assuming you've already registered your banking information). You do need that space between the number and the fund name in order for your instructions to be recognized.
building (for Building Fund)
homeless (for Breakfast and Street Reach ministries)
missions (for Missions Connect)
need (for Benevolence Fund)
Remember to put a space between the amount and the name of the fund.
This number is specific to Elgin Vineyard, and all donations texted to this number are directed to the church bank account. It would be a good idea to save the number in your phone contacts as Text2Give.
Say you want to give $25 to the General Fund. Type Give or Give 25 or even just 25. Any of those will work. If you type Give, you'll get a response asking how much you want to give.
The first time you use text giving, you'll be asked to click a link to a page where you can enter your bank account information. There is a Credit/Debit option and an ACH Bank Transfer option; please use ACH if you want more of your donation to go to the church and less to processing fees.
After the first time, you won't have to enter that information anymore. You'll just type 25, and your gift will be given just that quick! If you don't say which fund you want it to go to, it defaults to the General Fund.
But let's say you want your gift to go to the Building Fund account. The code is building, so you type 25 building and you're done (assuming you've already registered your banking information). You do need that space between the number and the fund name in order for your instructions to be recognized.
building (for Building Fund)
homeless (for Breakfast and Street Reach ministries)
missions (for Missions Connect)
need (for Benevolence Fund)
Remember to put a space between the amount and the name of the fund.
Anytime you forget what command to type or how this works, text: Commands
Text Commands
Text give to be prompted on how much you'd like to give.
Text 50 to give $50 (replace 50 with the amount you'd like to give)
Text update to change the credit card or bank account you give from or to modify recurring gifts you've set up by text.
Text refund to refund the last text donation you made.
50 weekly
Text 50 weekly to set up a weekly gift of $50. (Replace 50 with the amount you'd like to give.) You can also replace weekly with biweekly, monthly or yearly.
50 fundname
Text 50 fundname to give $50 to a specific fund. Replace fundname with the keyword provided for the fund you choose. Replace 50 with the amount you'd like to give. Be sure to put a space between the amount and the name of the fund. To give to a specific fund regularly, text 50 [fund name]_weekly/biweekly/monthly. Fund keywords currently available at Elgin Vineyard:
building (for Building Fund)
homeless (for Breakfast and Street Reach ministries)
missions (for Missions Connect)
need (for Benevolence Fund)
Text unlink to unlink your phone from the text giving service so that your phone is no longer authorized to make donations.
Text give to be prompted on how much you'd like to give.
Text 50 to give $50 (replace 50 with the amount you'd like to give)
Text update to change the credit card or bank account you give from or to modify recurring gifts you've set up by text.
Text refund to refund the last text donation you made.
50 weekly
Text 50 weekly to set up a weekly gift of $50. (Replace 50 with the amount you'd like to give.) You can also replace weekly with biweekly, monthly or yearly.
50 fundname
Text 50 fundname to give $50 to a specific fund. Replace fundname with the keyword provided for the fund you choose. Replace 50 with the amount you'd like to give. Be sure to put a space between the amount and the name of the fund. To give to a specific fund regularly, text 50 [fund name]_weekly/biweekly/monthly. Fund keywords currently available at Elgin Vineyard:
building (for Building Fund)
homeless (for Breakfast and Street Reach ministries)
missions (for Missions Connect)
need (for Benevolence Fund)
Text unlink to unlink your phone from the text giving service so that your phone is no longer authorized to make donations.